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Apostle Charlie & Sr. Pastor Vikki Ammons

2017 Year of Sabbath RestPastor Charlie Ammons2017 Year of Sabbath Rest
In the Assigned Place Pastor Vikki Ammons
It is Only a Test, Living a Sacrificial LifePastor Charlie Ammons
Mother's DayPastor Vikki Ammons
Living Life on PurposePastors Charlie & Vikki Ammons
The Year of EstablishingPastors Charlie & Vikki Ammons
The Realization of ProsperityPastor Charlie Ammons
Restoring the House of WorshipPastor Charlie Ammons
The Secret PlacePastor Vikki Ammons
.com FaithPastors Charlie & Vikki Ammons
The Power of AgreementPastor Vikki Ammons
Spiritual MaturityPastor Charlie Ammons